Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry exists to make our church a welcoming, safe environment for all people, making them feel at home and like family by assisting them with any needs they might have. Serving on this team provides believers of Christ an opportunity and outlet to extend this love of Christ.

Ministry Responsibilities

(May include the following)

1. Greeting:

Greeters will arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of our worship gatherings in order to greet guests and provide them with weekly handouts. They will remain by the doors for 10-15 minutes after service starts to greet anyone else who may arrive late.

2. Usher:

Ushers assist in helping people find a seat in service and collect the tithes and offerings.

3. Connecting:

Volunteers will help connect newcomers and new covenant members relationally with other members in the church.

4. Follow Up:

Help "exit greet" at the conclusion of the worship gatherings and invite them to our weekly events.

5. Cook/Serve:

Cook for our outreach events and luncheons.

6. Cleaning Ministry:

Assist with cleaning the church on Saturday mornings.

7. Food Distribution:

Assist with distributing food to those in need with Bless the Block Ministries.


If you are interested please contact one of our Deacons, who over sees this ministry