Make the Bible a Priority.
Reading the Bible every day can change your life. The Bible is the primary way God speaks to us. It’s the absolute best way to discover how to follow Jesus. Reading the Bible will bring you hope, encouragement, guidance, conviction, and practical instructions on every aspect of your life. It’s our goal to teach you how to have a daily, unhurried, inspired time to read the Word of God and to know the God of the Word. Reading the Bible shouldn’t be something you need to do, but rather something you love to do. Perhaps you don’t have time to add one more thing to your day. We’re all busy. Reading the Bible isn’t a time issue; it’s a priority issue. Making the Bible a priority isn’t complicated – just open your Bible and read! It’s helpful to pick a specific time of day so you begin forming a new habit, and to find a place where you can be open and vulnerable before God and give Him your undivided attention. The Word of God is the foundation of transformation. Your ability to believe and obey the Word is the difference between faith and faithlessness, hope and hopelessness, love and emptiness.
Where to Start
If you are beginning to read the Bible we would encourage you to start reading the Gospel of John. Start reading at least a chapter a day. Make it a priority to set time aside to reflect on what God is teaching you through his word. Once you have read through the Gospel of John, start reading in the Gospel of Mark, then Luke, and then Matthew.